2021-11-02 23:28:40 来源: 东莞白癜风医院 咨询医生
The biannual Chromosome Dynamics Gordon Conference covers a broad range of topics at the forefront of current research into chromosome biology. The architecture, replication, repair and segregation of chromosomes is discussed at levels from the biophysical properties of single molecules to genome-wide approaches probing genome evolution.
This GRC evolved since the 1980s to its current scope that covers all realms of life, prokaryotic, archaeal and eukaryotic.Unlike many excellent specialty meetings where experts in DNA metabolism, cell cycle progression, or chromatin and gene expression delve into the intricacies oftheir fields, the Chromosome Dynamics GRC takes a different approach. It brings together participants with very different background and methodologies who, while presenting cutting-edge work in their respective fields, recognize the interrelatedness of seemingly distant approaches to the common goal of understanding the mechanisms that shape genomes. Lively crosstalk between researchers from these diverse disciplines makes this a forite conference for many participants.In recognition of the global provenance of chromosome dynamics research, the Chromosome Dynamics GRC has, since 2009, been held alternatingly in New England and in the hills of Tuscany at Il Ciocco, Italy.
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